Garage Location for Autos
If your student is attending school in another city and taking a car with them, make sure to update the policy to show the new garaging location. Garaging location for auto insurance is where the car is parked overnight. This is a rating element used based on the accident and theft frequency for that city.
If the vehicle is garaged routinely elsewhere, you open the door to having a dispute with your insurer at time of a serious claim. If the vehicle was garaged at X on the policy but at Y when the claim occurred, the carrier may consider that the policy was based on false information.
If the car is going along, a short call or email will let us know you need a change. We can take care of the rest of the process and confirm with you that it has been accomplished.
Tenant's Coverage
If your student is occupying a dorm room or living off campus, they should have a tenant's insurance policy. This will cover their property, such as electronics, furniture, clothing, and other personal property at their new address. More importantly it provides liability protection for liability incurred at their new home. Many schools require liability coverage for dorm rooms, a tenant's policy is a cost-effective way to get the coverage you need.
If your student has over $1,500 in technology that is going to school, ask if the tenant's policy has sufficient limits for this type of property. Some insurance companies place sub limits on technology and jewelry that may need adjustment .
The Driehaus Difference
We understand insurance and risk management. Our office has over 150 years of experience and we use that knowledge to make sure you have the right coverage. Call Pam Walerius at 513-977-6863 or Holly Cummings at 513-977-6864 to get the protection you need. Visit Driehausins.com to learn more about us and our products and services.