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Public Entities

Coverage that understands the structure and role of different government levels

Public Entities

We pick up our phones

Dan’s history as a public administration major and experience as an urban planner help him listen to the needs of governmental groups and filter out the background noise. Our Risk Consultant has experience as a fire chief, training officer and leader of a multi county fire service training group, so we understand what a public entity does.


By understanding the structure and role of different government levels, we will help you find the coverage that you need. Extending protection to the board members, volunteers and workers keeps the government agencies focused on delivering services and helps control their costs.


Many government agencies neglect their property coverages. Having inadequate limits can be crippling to an agency that cannot rebuild or replace their equipment. Standard policies may not be applicable as governmental agencies do not replace equipment and facilities at the same rate as the private sector. This leads to valuation issues and coverage gaps.


The liability exposures of a governmental agency are broad. The insurance program must be equally broad. From policing the streets to providing emergency medical care, the hands-on part of government is unique. Matching a liability program to the activities of the governmental agency is a skill set that we have honed through experience and practice.



700 Walnut Street, Suite 600, Cincinnati Ohio 45202   |   P: 513-977-6860   |   E:

Note: For your protection, coverage cannot be bound or changed via voicemail, email, fax or online via the agency’s website until confirmed by a licensed agent.

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