Risk Management

Risk management is a process, one that requires attention and experience.
Risk management is much more than compliance. While DOT, OSHA and NFPA offer guidelines and regulations, your needs may be much more complex than simply following the regulations. We understand the complex world of codes and can help you navigate this important part of business.
Risk management means recognizing exposures that can disrupt your business and interfere with achieving your business objectives. Transferring that risk with an insurance program is a key element of an effective program.
To the extent that insurance is about sales, you need an agent that can sell your risk to an insurance company. The insurance companies need to know why you are a good risk. We understand this process and know how to make the case and advocate for our client to our insurance markets. Our experience tells us which markets are the best match for your exposures.
Driehaus Insurance Group understands the insurance process. We guide your business through this process to offer you the right insurance markets. Our understanding of catastrophe models, BASIC scores, EMR and detailed loss analysis are all part of managing your risk.
Our services include on site surveys to review the full range of your insurance program. We will interview you about your operations and safety and risk management programs. From property to products, auto to work comp; we have the skills and experience to help you and market your business to our insurance carriers.
We will work with the carriers to leverage their risk control resources to your benefit. Most carriers offer services beyond inspections, you need help in finding them.
We help you recognize and evaluate risks that affect you. How do you identify and measure risk? What are your risk management goals and priorities? How would you benchmark your firm against competitors? If you want to go to the next level of risk management, we will be your guide. The Driehaus difference is that we have the staff risk control expertise that enables us to tailor risk management tools your specific needs.
[ Risk Management — Helpful Links
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) — [ Take me there >>
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) – DOT Regulations — [ Take me there >>
Environmental Protection Agency – Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) — [ Take me there >>
US DOT FMCSA Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) — [ Take me there >>
National Fire Protection Association Online Code Access — [ Take me there >>
Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheets — [ Take me there >>
FEMA Map Service Center – Online flood maps — [ Take me there >>
Storm Events Database NOAA National Centers of Environmental Information — [ Take me there >>
Bureau of Labor Statistics Injury Rate Calculator — [ Take me there >>